Hunt at River Camp is an endless pleasure to the quality of the game as the conditions of hunt we offer you. The paradise of our territory gives you the opportunity as the possibility to hunt on our 5000 hectares, all kinds of hunting available in Morocco,
from dawn to dusk, 7/7, from early October to late March.

The woodcock is a migratory sort of bird very discreet and especially nocturne.
It is reputed to be lucifuge. The Woodcock is one of birds that have excellent vision, even at night. It can see 360 °.
Woodcock hunting in Morocco is a privilege, in River Camp we offer it.
It is said that a wounded woodcock would be able to dress his wound with a mixture of saliva,
of plants and soil, drying mixture that forms a kind of plaster that stops bleeding or immobilize a fractured bone.
Wild Ducks varieties that we have will make your hunting trip in River Camp a pleasure. The mallard is the most common duck in the world. With a migratory nature, in Morocco, it is present in all wetlands. Duck hunting is a huge interest.
The mallard can live up to 29 years, but lives an average of 5 years. It quacks, cackled or nasille. The scream of the female is loud and raucous; the one of the male is softer.

Wild Ducks varieties that we have will make your hunting trip in River Camp a pleasure. The mallard is the most common duck in the world. With a migratory nature, in Morocco, it is present in all wetlands. Duck hunting is a huge interest.
The mallard can live up to 29 years, but lives an average of 5 years. It quacks, cackled or nasille. The scream of the female is loud and raucous; the one of the male is softer.

Being the type constituting ultimate Moroccan background hunting, the partridge is known as a kind that is in both in the agricultural plains, oases and forests. It is most appreciated by hunters when it is a sort of ``Gambra``. The hunting season runs from October to December. At River Camp, you will certainly find a taste for hunting.
In Hebrew “partridge” is told in three different ways: “Kore”, that is to say, “whoever calls” on their screaming and “hogla” or “Hagag” (“turn in a circle, to dance “).
Tend to be increasingly rare in Morocco, hares are mainly found in mountainous areas as well as forests. As is the case in River Camp, hare finds its ideal habitat in the growing regions and grassland as well as in small woodlands. Reputed to be a loner, the hare is an animal that prefers to go out at night rather than the day.
“It loses the hare, are his tricks.
If he had only run straight ahead, he would be immortal.”

Le Lièvre
Ayant tendance à être de plus en plus rares au Maroc, les lièvres sont principalement retrouvés dans les zones montagneuses ainsi que les massifs forestiers. Comme l’est le cas à River Camp, le lièvre trouve son biotope idéal dans les régions de culture et de prairie tout comme dans les petites surfaces boisées. Réputé pour être un solitaire, le lièvre est un animal qui préfère sortir la nuit plutôt que le jour.
“Ce qui perd le lièvre, ce sont ses ruses.
S’il ne faisait que courir droit devant lui, il serait immortel.”

The boar is the only specie of large animals which has the status in Morocco of a quarry or prey. The latter is mainly found in forests with high density. It is distributed in Morocco since the Rif to the Anti-Atlas. It is mainly nocturnal and ais active at dusk. The old males are called ``solitary`` unlike other living or herd. The hunting season starts in October and ends in February. In River Camp hunting is beaten on the watchtowers.
“Among the 12 labors of Hercules, was to bring alive a huge boar that terrified the inhabitants of Erymanthus in Arcadia “
The quail is a small migratory bird (about 15 cm long) of the Perdicinae subfamily. It resembles much the partridge, although smaller. It feeds on seeds on the ground, insects and sometimes small prey. Very good game for hunting the dog, because it freezes instead of bait.
“The quail is quoted in the Bible and the Quran: it is the meat that God has offered to Israel in the wilderness, with manna.”

The Quail
The quail is a small migratory bird (about 15 cm long) of the Perdicinae subfamily. It resembles much the partridge, although smaller. It feeds on seeds on the ground, insects and sometimes small prey. Very good game for hunting the dog, because it freezes instead of bait.
“The quail is quoted in the Bible and the Quran: it is the meat that God has offered to Israel in the wilderness, with manna.”

Pheasant is a reputed game. It has a beautiful chestnut-colored plumage, with golden brown and black marks. It lives in agricultural areas, open areas with bush cover, forest edges and open forests. Even being a game animal, the pheasant can fly quickly and catch the hunter.
“There are varieties of coloration in pheasants which are sometimes surprising. Thus, some are black, others partially white. “
The common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) is a large species in the dove and pigeon family.
It belongs to the genus Columba and, like all pigeons and doves, belongs to the family Columbidae. It is locally known in southeast England as the “culver”.
“The common wood pigeons are monogamous. The couples are formed until the disappearance of one of the two partners.”

The Common Wood Pigeon
The common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) is a large species in the dove and pigeon family.
It belongs to the genus Columba and, like all pigeons and doves, belongs to the family Columbidae. It is locally known in southeast England as the “culver”.
“The common wood pigeons are monogamous. The couples are formed until the disappearance of one of the two partners.”

The oriental turtle dove or rufous turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis) is a member of the bird family Columbidae. in Morocco, it is present in our hunting club.
“The turtledove is a migratory bird. She migrates in early winter. “
Proudly hunted in River Camp
The hunting grounds in River Camp is not without diversity. You will find forests, vineyards, grain, lakes, rivers and mountains. Rich and quite impressive, flora in River Camp is made of Cistus, of Lentisques, Eucalyptus, of Oleaster, Hyphaene and more. You will find taste to hunt of all sorts that are available and will enjoy the beautiful landscape that stands there.
“The love of land, is to respect and value what it gives us”
Seasons Hebdo Spéciale Maroc : River Camp
Au programme des réjouissances, chasse du sanglier en battue, chasse de la perdrix Gambra, de la caille et de la bécasse aux chiens darrêt. River Camp ouvre ses portes pour un Seasons Hebdo spécial Maroc. Si vous avez raté l’épisode, c’est l’occasion de le voir. Cliquer sur la vidéo pour commencer à regarder.